Weekly report by Dr. Christina Rahm - Mental Health
Millions of people are affected by mental health issues, but are still plagued by stigma and misunderstanding. My journey began with a simple realization: mental health is just as important as physical health. By educating myself about mental illness, its impact on individuals and families, and the resources available, I began to overcome the barriers of ignorance and fear.
One of the biggest barriers to progress in mental health is the silence that surrounds it. People are often reluctant to talk openly about their problems or seek help. Tennessee Voices, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting children with mental illness and driving change in the mental health field, showed me that breaking this silence is a powerful way to create change. By sharing personal stories and experiences, we can normalize conversations about mental health and encourage others to seek the support they need.
Tennessee Voices is not only an organization, but also a catalyst for change. They are at the forefront of mental health change, seeking to improve policy, access to care and public perceptions of mental health. As I delved deeper into their initiatives, I was able to see firsthand the positive impact they have on our community.
My journey through mental health awareness has changed me a lot. It is a journey that continues every day as I strive to be a better advocate, friend and supporter. Mental health is not a solitary battle but a collective effort. I invite you to join me on this journey of empathy and understanding and to break the silence that still surrounds mental health. Together we can improve the lives of those who need it most. Together we can achieve a lasting impact.
With light & love
Dr. Christina Rahm